
21 September, 2016
This page is provided for homeowners to let us know if you have had a good experience with a local vendor. If you use a local vendor and would like to add your recommendation to this page, click on CONTACT US in the menu above and send your recommendation to the Manager.
The Manager will post it below with your comments.
Glen Rushing 132C SE – Used Whites plumbing for leak repairs and they were very responsive and the price was reasonable.  Whites Plumbing: Ph: 850-576-3510

Master Gardner, LLC

Susan Powers has used this vendor for years to help her maintain area outside courtyard as well as inside. She will give them a recommendation if anyone wants to use them to help out with their yard.  Contact: Master Gardner @ 229-230-0270
Marie Nordling Strickland 133C SE:  Two weeks ago I had our roof inspected by R. J. Lipton, Engineering and Mr. Lipton sent his report to my insurance company. I have already received a $102.00 check from my company. The inspection fee for my roof was $95.00. This inspection is good for several years. I am happy!! R. J. Lipton, Engineering 850-545-9597